Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Aftermath

Afternoon, peeps.

And how are we all doing after last night? I'm sure each and every one of you ate your traditional St. Patrick's dinner of corned beef and hash, sipped a single beer and turned in for the night after watching a re-run of Cops.

I did not.

Details aside, I believe that Elle said it best when she posted her Facebook status as this:

All. Partied. Out.

Yep. And I didn't even do anything crazy last night.

I think.

Well, the only one who could be sure of that is... that would be... Huh. Come to think of it, I think I was the only sober one.
The Day After

 Elle. On her phone, like usual.

Gary stole someone's jacket. Don't worry. She deserved it.

Happy Day After, and may you all get the rest you need in order to return to work on Monday.


Mor-Mor said...

I want to burn her phone......

BunrattyBroad said...

Know what, dicks, I was talking to YOU, mom. Trying to coordinate the picking up of the whelps. And Gary was on his phone WAY more than I was in the last two days. What's up now, huh? HUH? Besides, you've heard my kids when I try to talk on the phone. They're like all kids; suddenly it's imperative that they have all of my attention NOW and as loudly as possible. They're like tiny, squeaky freight trains. But less adorable. So my phone conversations take place in the form of texts. What could have been a 5 minutes phone conversation in a perfect world now takes 15 exchanges spread over the course of 5 hours.

Huh. I almost sound defensive. Eff y'all! ;)

Unknown said...

Lol!! Love is in the air, I <3 your family! Probably because I love nuts.....

Gary said...

That looks like a baggie of drugs on my coffee table in the pic of the ill-gotten jacket.

The Great and Powerful Blogz said...

Y'all look so at home with massive hangovers.